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The complex nature of the fiscalization system in Austria reflects the government's commitment to ensuring the integrity of financial data and promoting fairness and accountability in the tax system. Frequent and unannounced audits, together with implementing strict regulations and requirements, work to provide a secure and transparent environment for businesses and taxpayers.
At the start of 2016, the Austrian government introduced a new fiscal law that included the creation of the Fiscal Journal (DEP). This marked the first stage of the fiscalization process, which aimed to increase transparency, reduce tax fraud, and promote fairness in the tax system. According to Austrian fiscal law, the DEP must be stored in real-time at each point-of-sale system, in a central database, or in the cloud, and must be exported at the request of the authorities. This journal records all cash transactions and receipts in real-time, ensuring that financial data is accurate, secure, and easily accessible. The second stage of the fiscalization process was mandatory as of April 2017, and involved the introduction of a digital signature for each cash receipt. This digital signature helps to further secure the financial data and reduce the risk of fraud or manipulation. By implementing these two stages of fiscalization, Austria has created a robust and reliable system for tracking and reporting financial transactions.
Type of fiscalization: Hardware/Software
Latest news for Austria
See moreS4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intended to update existing installations to latest version. To do so apply only patches that are marked with version number that is newer than your currently installed instance of backoffice. Read more
New document was uploaded: S4F backoffic...
Ensuring compliance at year-end in Austria with annual receipt

In Austria, businesses must generate an annual receipt as the final cash register document of the year, valued at 0, and report it to FinanzOnline. Read more
Ensuring compliance at year-end in Austr...

In Austria, businesses must generate an annual receipt as the final cash register document of the ye... Read more
S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intended to update existing installations to latest version. To do so apply only patches that are marked with version number that is newer than your currently installed instance of backoffice. Read more
New document was uploaded: S4F backoffic...
New document was uploaded: Recorded webinar: E-invoicing for Global Retailers
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New document was uploaded: Recorded webi...
If you are struggling with complex e-invoicing implementations across multiple countries, and if you... Read more
The EU's Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) has approved the Value Added Tax in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal, aiming to modernize VAT rules and combat tax fraud. ViDA introduces key measures like Digital Reporting Requirements (DRR), VAT collection for the platform economy, and expanded Single VAT Registration, with implementation planned from 2027 to 2035. Businesses must prepare... Read more
A proposal for VAT in the digital age (V...
The EU's Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) has approved the Value Added Tax in the Dig... Read more
Fiscalization Specifics for Taxi Services in Austria

In Austria, businesses that handle cash transactions are required to follow strict guidelines to ensure tax compliance, including the use of electronic cash registers. This regulation extends to the taxi industry, mandating specific fiscalization practices that ensure transparency, proper documentation, and the prevention of tax evasion. Read more
Fiscalization Specifics for Taxi Service...

In Austria, businesses that handle cash transactions are required to follow strict guidelines to ens... Read more
Latest document for Austria
See moreS4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intended to update existing installations to latest version. To do so apply only patches that are marked with version number that is newer than your currently installed instance of backoffice. Read more
S4F backoffice patch
Recorded webinar: E-invoicing for Global Retailers
If you are struggling with complex e-invoicing implementations across multiple countries, and if you are concerned about mounting costs, potential delays, or compliance risks, our webinar will help you to learn how global retailers can streamline e-invoicing efficiently! With countries worldwide mandating e-invoicing, international retailers face unique challenges adapting to new regulations acros... Read more
Recorded webinar: E-invoicing for Global...
If you are struggling with complex e-invoicing implementations across multiple countries, and if you... Read more
Overview of fiscalization in European countries
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Overview of fiscalization in European co...
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Digital Product Passport
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Digital Product Passport
Do you even know what DPP is? Digital Product Passports (DPP) are set to play a crucial role in th... Read more
S4F backoffice installer is intended for users who are installing the software for the first time. Please make sure to obtain latest version of installer and to apply all subsequent patches that are released subsequently. This package contains instruction, release notes, changelog and software packages required for deployment of this software component. This version of the Backoffice installer supports the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Read more
S4F backoffice installer
EV Chargers from the Fiscalization Perspective in Austria

The purpose of this document is to outline the treatment of electric vehicle charging stations (EV Chargers, henceforth) and to provide an overview of fiscalization requirements. Read more
EV Chargers from the Fiscalization Pers...

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