Documents: 25
News: 146
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Fiscal Law timeline

Greece is one of the first fiscal countries, fiscal since 1988. Current fiscal law defined in 2012 with later amendments


The latest changes include changes related to the fiscal printer upgrades. One more major change: sending data online to fiscal authorities. From 2020, the obligation to use QR codes on receipts is in force. Relating to that, device upgrades are needed.

Type of fiscalization: hardware-based fiscalization

A fiscal device (fiscal printer or ECR) is obligatory. Fiscal devices that can be used include are fiscal printers or ECR devices. They must be able to send fiscal data to the Tax server each time a receipt is issued. Furthermore, a fiscal device has to have the ability to automatically synchronize the time with the time of the information system of Tax authorities.

Latest news for Greece

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Public Greece Greece 24.07.2024. 00:00H Author: Tara Nedeljkovic

A special sign that they accept payments with cards should be carried by several categories of busin... Read more

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Greece Greece 18.07.2024. 00:00H Author: Tara Nedeljkovic

Among frequently asked questions regarding the interconnection of EFT-POS terminals to devices for F... Read more

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Greece Greece 10.07.2024. 11:00H Author: Kristina Dosen

The Greek AADE has published some new deadlines, thereby postponing the previous timeline for the in... Read more

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Public Greece Greece 28.06.2024. 08:06H Author: Kristina Dosen

The Greek Ministry of Finance has confirmed that the COVID temporary VAT rate of 13% on taxis (trans... Read more

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Public Greece, Metaverse 2 Countries 05.06.2024. 08:30H Author: Kristina Dosen

The Greek Tax Administration has determined that the sale of cryptocurrencies is subject to VAT (val... Read more

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Germany, Bulgaria, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska, Italy, France, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Austria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Albania, Hungary, Portugal, Other countries, Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Ghana, Belgium, Denmark 27 Countries 23.05.2024. 12:42H Author: Kristina Dosen

This document contains an overview of the presence of fiscalization and its types in all European co... Read more

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Latest document for Greece

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Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway, Other countries, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey 27 Countries 23.05.2024. 12:42H Author: Kristina Dosen

This document contains an overview of the presence of fiscalization and its types in all European co... Read more

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General information

Digital Product Passport

Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey 26 Countries 23.04.2024. 08:48H Author: Kristina Dosen

Do you even know what DPP is? Digital Product Passports (DPP) are set to play a crucial role in th... Read more

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Fiscal subject related, General information Fiscal subject related, + 1 more

Overview of the e-invoicing systems in E...

Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden 25 Countries 14.09.2023. 14:54H Author: Kristina Dosen

This document represents an introduction to the types of e-invoicing models in European countries as... Read more

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Fiscal subject related

Gift card treatment -Greece

Greece Greece 25.06.2024. 09:56H Author: Tara Nedeljković

The purpose of this document is to explain how gift cards are sold and then used in accordance with... Read more

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Greece Greece 15.06.2023. 07:59H Author: Kristina Dosen

The purpose of this document is to explain the updated requirements that have been brought to Greece... Read more

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