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Fiscal Law timeline

The Portuguese fiscalization system is the part of the systems which can be classified as Software-based fiscalization. Before its usage, the POS SW must pass through the compulsory certification procedure.


Portugal has a software-based fiscalization system, which means that it is mainly focused on the characteristics of the POS application and demands regarding functions of the POS program such as security mechanisms, inalterability standards for the created fiscal data, and so on. The POS application used by the taxpayer must be certified by the Portuguese General Directorate for Taxation.

Type of fiscalization: Software

There are no predefined types of hardware components that would be obligatory for usage and e-receipts are quite common, but there must be a possibility to print fiscal receipts. This system includes some formal check-ups of the software.

Latest news for Portugal

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Portugal Portugal 17.10.2024. 08:09H Author: Nikolina Basic

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Public Portugal Portugal 14.10.2024. 13:21H Author: Nikolina Basic

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Public Portugal Portugal 11.10.2024. 08:22H Author: Nikolina Basić

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Fiscal subject related

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Public Portugal Portugal 16.09.2024. 09:04H Author: Nikolina Basić

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Public Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain 18 Countries 20.08.2024. 09:22H Author: Stefan Ditrih

As online shopping continues to grow, the European Union is planning to implement new regulations to... Read more

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Latest document for Portugal

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Software package

S4F backoffice patch

Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia 12 Countries 29.07.2024. 16:16H Author: Kristina Dosen

S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intende... Read more

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Fiscal subject related

S4F backoffice patch

Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia 12 Countries 02.07.2024. 13:06H Author: Kristina Dosen

S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intende... Read more

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Software package

S4F backoffice patch

Serbia, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Slovakia, Slovenia 12 Countries 26.05.2024. 20:22H Author: Kristina Dosen

S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intende... Read more

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Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway, Other countries, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey 27 Countries 23.05.2024. 12:42H Author: Kristina Dosen

This document contains an overview of the presence of fiscalization and its types in all European co... Read more

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Software package

S4F backoffice patch

Austria, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Republic of Srpska, Montenegro, Serbia 12 Countries 16.05.2024. 13:57H Author: Kristina Dosen

S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intende... Read more

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Software package

S4F backoffice patch

Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Serbia 12 Countries 16.05.2024. 13:51H Author: Kristina Dosen

S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intende... Read more

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YouTube video - Portugal

How to record goods movement in Portugal

Jan 08, 2021

How to certificate POS SW solution in Portugal

Dec 30, 2020

Documents types on POS in Portugal

Dec 25, 2020

New Fiscal requirements that 2021 will bring in Portugal

Dec 18, 2020

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