Other news from Germany
ELSTER (ERiC) - State tax office system
This entails reporting the following events: - ERS registration - ERS deregistration - ERS information updates - Address changes for business premises - Alterations in organizational tax identification - Expiry of BSI certificates (FCC updates to a new certificate version) - Potentially, other miscellaneous changes. ELSTER integration on the Fiskal Portal, data integrity, data integrity e... Read more
Registration process in Germany
The registration obligation in Germany is called „The notification obligation“, and it has been established under § 146a Absatz 4 of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung - AO). It mandates businesses using electronic recording systems (POS) to notify tax authorities about using and decommissioning such systems. In this document, you’ll learn more about when was this obligation introduced. What data are needed for notification obligation and much more. Read more
S4F backoffice patch
S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intended to update existing installations to latest version. To do so apply only patches that are marked with version number that is newer than your currently installed instance of backoffice. Please make sure to install all available patches sequentially (without skipping). For each patch it is specified for which countries it is released for and with this information and with information from release notes user should prioritize the installation of the patch if S4F Backoffice is used in specified countries. Even though the patch may be prioritized for specified countries please make sure to install all patches sequentially, including the previous ones (if any) even if they are not related to used countries. This package contains instruction, release notes, changelog and software packages required for deployment of this software component. Please note that this patch contains changes for following country: France Read more
S4F backoffice patch
S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intended to update existing installations to latest version. To do so apply only patches that are marked with version number that is newer than your currently installed instance of backoffice. Please make sure to install all available patches sequentially (without skipping). For each patch it is specified for which countries it is released for and with this information and with information from release notes user should prioritize the installation of the patch if S4F Backoffice is used in specified countries. Even though the patch may be prioritized for specified countries please make sure to install all patches sequentially, including the previous ones (if any) even if they are not related to used countries. This package contains instruction, release notes, changelog and software packages required for deployment of this software component. Read more
S4F backoffice patch
S4F backoffice patch is intended for users who have already installed S4F backoffice and are intended to update existing installations to latest version. To do so apply only patches that are marked with version number that is newer than your currently installed instance of backoffice. Please make sure to install all available patches sequentially (without skipping). For each patch it is specified for which countries it is released for and with this information and with information from release notes user should prioritize the installation of the patch if S4F Backoffice is used in specified countries. Even though the patch may be prioritized for specified countries please make sure to install all patches sequentially, including the previous ones (if any) even if they are not related to used countries. This package contains instruction, release notes, changelog and software packages required for deployment of this software component. Please note that this patch contains changes for following country: Serbia Read more
Overview of fiscalization in European countries
This document contains an overview of the presence of fiscalization and its types in all European countries. Read more