Public Lithuania Author: Kristina Dosen
Some changes in fiscalization are being introduced in Lithuania. The project is called the i.EKA smart electronic cash register system- also known as Virtual fiscalization for cash registers and other points of sale. Represents one of the seven subsystems of the Intelligent Tax Administration System (i.MAS) currently under development. The project for the establishment and implementation of the ECA is planned to be implemented by 2023. What are the main novelties expected?

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 03.06.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 08:06h


The project will allow to modernize and optimize the procedure for using cash registers-regulations are not yet officially accepted in full terms. The goal of authorities is to reduce the scale of the shadow on the economy.

Main novelties:

  • it will be mandatory to transmit fiscal data (receipt amount, VAT rates and amount) to the State Tax Inspectorate directly from cash registers
  • this service will allow taxpayers/sellers to abandon the current procedure, where every seller has to print daily reports at the end of the day, stick them in a paper logbook and fill in additional information by hand

As it is announced, it will be possible to modify the currently used cash registers in accordance with the announced new requirements by installing additional hardware and software. For each specific modification of a cash register model, its manufacturers will decide whether to abandon the cash registers of a certain model and place new cash register models on the market instead of them or to offer new software solutions that can be installed in smart devices.

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