Public Lithuania Author: Kristina Dosen
Some changes will need to be made in fiscal devices, in accordance with the novelties in fiscalization terms in Lithuania. The taxpayers will have to choose between two possible options: - to use a virtual STI or virtual cash register with the i.EKA subsystem, or - to purchase a mechanical cash register that would encrypt and transmit the data to the STI itself.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 454
Content accuracy validation date: 22.06.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 10:34h



Virtual STI Cash Register - is a cash register that operates directly connected to the Smart Tax Administration Information System Smart Electronic Cash Registers subsystem, performs registration and signing of transactions in it, uses the Electronic Service of the Intelligent Tax Administration Information System Smart Electronic Cash Registers Subsystem for registration of transactions and sign, works as web service cash (coinvent for small entrepreneurs with the low sale during the day). For bigger taxpayers, the best solutions are to use a cash register with all mandatory requirements. Cash register manufacturers and distributors will have to ensure that receipt data is signed with digital certificates specially designed for this purpose and automatically transmitted to the State Tax Inspectorate during the day.

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