Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
According to the Law on fiscalization as well as the Rulebook on fiscal receipt in the Republic of Srpska a two-dimensional QR code is mandatory to be presented on each fiscal receipt. This new obligatory receipt element is used for control and validation of fiscal receipts by customers where the process of checking the validity of issued fiscal receipts will be possible in a few steps.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 445
Content accuracy validation date: 21.06.2022
Content accuracy validation time: 11:39h


For the possibility to check the received receipt, the buyer must have a device in his hands able to scan a QR code and internet access as well.
When the buyer scans the QR code certain notes will appear through the service for checking fiscal receipts:
– If that service is not available at the moment of scanning
– If checking the receipt is not successful because that fiscal receipt is not issued in the correct way
– On the other hand, if the check was successful and thus the receipt valid
– Also, that service will bring the possibility for each customer to download or even forward a copy of the fiscal receipt in electronic form.
In case the receipt is not valid, the customer will be able to report that to Tax authorities helping them in this way to track the non-compliant taxpayers. Fiscal receipts can be scanned and checked in this way for 10 years from the moment of issuing the receipt.
Another possibility for customers to do a receipt check will be opening a hyperlink in case of electronic receipts, in which case the same procedure and possible results of scanning apply.

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