Public Bulgaria Author: Kristina Dosen
In Bulgaria, vending sales machines are subjects of fiscalization. In other words, certain rules and requirements must be fulfilled to comply with the law. More precisely, the fiscal device must be integrated into the vending device. A special type of fiscal device is used- fiscal devices integrated into the vending machine or FDIVM.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 12.08.2022
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Therefore, the person who sells goods or services through a vending machine self-service with electric power, except for currency exchange services, is obliged to register and report each sale:
1. through fiscal device-FDIVM, the fiscal receipt registering the sale, is visualized only on a display without issuing a paper document, or
2. through a fiscal printer which is built into the machine, and the fiscal receipt registering the sale is issued on paper
Special rules need to be applied when there is the sale of fuel and other special goods/services.

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