Public Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Author: Kristina Dosen
After two months from the beginning of the implementation, the Ministry of Trade of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina assessed that the action gave very good results; therefore, the project that concerns price locking will be extended for another three months.

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The project started in the second half of December 2023; the prices are locked for 40 food and hygiene products, and the cooperation protocol was signed by as many as 32 traders, i.e., companies selling products on the list that have about 1,500 trade stores throughout the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In addition to stopping the upward trend in the prices of basic foodstuffs, the prices were lowered, and savings for consumers of 15 to 20 percent were realized for those 40 or so products.

The action was supposed to last until March 15; however, it continues for another three months, which means that until June 15, the prices will be locked and the number of items will also expand, the representative of the Ministry of Trade explained.

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