Public Slovakia Author: Kristina Dosen
The Slovakian Financial Administration provides its citizens with a specific mobile application called eWallet, designed to enhance the integrity of financial transactions. This app serves a dual purpose: verifying the authenticity of Treasury documents and providing a secure storage solution for receipts, which is particularly useful for warranty claims or returns.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 79
Content accuracy validation date: 28.03.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:09h


eWallet simplifies the process of identifying fraudulent activities. By scanning a receipt's QR code, users can instantly verify its authenticity against the eKasa system. If a discrepancy arises, indicating the receipt is not recorded in the system, the app provides an efficient channel for reporting the issue directly to the financial administration.

Beyond fraud prevention, eWallet empowers users to manage their financial documents effectively. Registered users can save and revisit receipt details at their convenience, a feature that proves invaluable when claiming purchased goods or services. The app also offers a comprehensive overview of personal expenditures, with a chronological breakdown of expenses and the ability to filter data for detailed analysis.

Available for both Android and iOS platforms, eWallet is accessible to a wide user base.

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