Public Bulgaria Author: Kristina Dosen
From the date of the introduction of the euro in the Republic of Bulgaria, for a period of one month, the lev and the euro will be legal means of payment on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. (period of dual circulation of the leva and the euro). This means that for this one month, citizens will be able to make payments in both currencies. After the expiration of this period, the lev will cease to be legal tender on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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Content accuracy validation date: 22.04.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:07h


Importantly, during the double circulation period, the merchant returns the change in euros, except in case of lack of availability, when the merchant can return the change in BGN.  Also, from the date of the introduction of the euro, the refund of the amount paid in cash will be in euros only. Only during the period of dual circulation of leva and euro is the return of the amount paid in cash in leva allowed, only if the merchant does not have sufficient current availability to return the amount in cash in euro.

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