Public Belgium Author: Kristina Dosen
Belgium is the next country to introduce stricter rules on the sale of tobacco and alcohol. One of the measures is a ban on tobacco sales in supermarkets. The number of sales points for alcohol is also going down. The Belgian parliament approved a bill by the Health Minister that imposes stricter rules on the sale of tobacco and alcohol. The main measures are listed below.

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Content accuracy validation date: 25.04.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 10:04h


From April 1, 2025, supermarkets larger than 400 square metres will no longer be allowed to sell tobacco products. The ban also applies to temporary sales outlets, such as festivals. Even in shops that are still allowed to sell tobacco, there will be a ban on displaying any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, devices, filters, and so on.

Retailers will have to ask for proof of identity from anyone who wants to buy tobacco products and appears to be under the age of 25. There will also be tougher penalties for violations of the advertising and promotion ban.

With these anti-tobacco measures, Belgium is following the example of countries like the Netherlands, where tobacco products are already disappearing from food retailers as of July 1 this year.

Another type of restriction is defined for alcohol products. The sale of alcohol is also being limited; there will be a ban on selling alcohol to minors (persons under 18). There is an exception for beer and wine, where the age limit will remain at 16 unless alcohol or a flavouring of alcohol is added to such products.

There will also be a ban on the sale of alcohol using vending machines, in hospitals, and in petrol stations along motorways between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., with an exception for roadside restaurants.


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