Public Romania Author: Kristina Dosen
The authorities are working out the last details before operationalizing the new e-VAT system, which will allow the pre-filling of taxpayers' VAT returns. In this regard, in connection with VAT returns, the legislation was recently amended by a GEO so that cash registers can send new information to the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF).

Fiscal subject related

Views: 386
Content accuracy validation date: 10.06.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:06h

The GEO was approved and published in Romania on May 30th, as it will require sending some additional data to the Romanian authorities.

As listed in the mentioned GEO (E. Ordinance 43), by this government decision, other data and information may be established for sending from a fiscal receipt and from daily closing reports, which are to be transmitted from fiscal cash registers to ANAF in Romania. 

Based on the published GEO, the data will refer to the tax identification code number of the seller (Tax ID). While the tax ID is specified, other data to be transmitted has not been specified yet. This suggests that further regulations or guidelines may be forthcoming to clarify the full scope of information required from fiscal receipts and daily closing reports.

The transmission of the taxpayer's tax identification code by the fiscal electronic cash registers to the system of the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF) is going to be necessary information for the generation of the pre-filled VAT statements.

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