Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The Tax Authority in the Republic of Srpska has published a new version of the Technical Guide for issuing approval for elements of the electronic fiscal device on their website. The current, valid version is version 1.8, which introduced a change when it comes to the ESIR questionnaire area of this technical document.

Fiscal subject related

Technical description

Views: 155
Content accuracy validation date: 06.06.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 12:10h

Precisely, the change concerns the modification of the ESIR questionnaire. In Chapter 5, wherein inside the "Supported Types of PFR," the Tax Authorities removed the "Q2: V-PFR Using a Smart Card" option because that combination is not even a possibility in the Republic of Srpska based upon the requirements that are set out. There are no new chapters or data added to this latest version of The Technical Guide, other than the erased question mentioned above.

The 1.8 version of the Technical Guide is to be found here: Technical guide for issuing approvals for electronic fiscal device elements

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