Public Republic of Srpska Author: Kristina Dosen
The tax authorities in the Republic of Srpska have defined subsidies, i.e., financial support, for taxpayers who are joining the new fiscal system in this country. One of the frequent questions that arises is what these subsidies cover exactly and how to obtain them. So, let's find out more!

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 12.06.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 11:17h

First of all, the Rulebook on the Dynamics of Fiscalization ("Official Gazette of Republika Srpska", number 26/24), hereinafter referred to as the Rulebook, prescribes the dynamics of fiscalization and the method of financing the costs of initial fiscalization for all those subject to fiscalization in the Republic of Srpska.

Primarily, as the Rulebook defines, in Article 7, paragraphs 1 and 2, it is stipulated that:

1) The costs of the initial fiscalization of taxpayers according to the place of turnover are financed from the budget of the Republic of Srpska in the form of a subsidy.

2) The costs of the initial fiscalization referred to in paragraph 1 of this article include the costs of delivery and installation of the electronic fiscal device, as well as fees to the operator of the fiscal system, which include taxpayer training services, the installation of a system for processing fiscal invoices, the installation of software for issuing receipts, the integration of secure elements, and connection with the Fiscalization Management System of TA, in accordance with the approved cost list of the operator's services.

The costs of the devices are therefore determined based on the actual cost of the device itself, along with the above-mentioned additional costs of installation, integration, and connection of the device to the Tax Authorities system.

For the subsidies to be granted, it is mandatory for the taxpayer (or his accounting agency on his behalf) to send a particular digital request on the web portal of the TA called „eUsluge“ (eServices).

For the first group of taxpayers, in order to qualify for financial support of the above kind for their new electronic fiscal devices, the deadline is set for the 17th of June as the last day. Since the deadline is approaching, the taxpayers are reminded to send the necessary requests, including this one, inside the mentioned eUsluge online service in time.


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