Public Belgium Author: Kristina Dosen
New information about the upcoming modernization of GKS systems in Belgium has just been published on the FPS Finance web portal. The new GKS 2.0 introduces, among other things, the ability to create a copy of that fiscal receipt. Via the new FDMs, the detailed data is going to be forwarded online to the cloud service of FPS Finance, i.e., the authority in fiscalization. The latter, in turn, makes it possible, once at cruising speed, to only visit those establishments that show a clear risk profile, meaning that it will be easier to find out suspicious behavior in this field.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 13.06.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 14:33h

Also, the first dates and deadlines have been published for the start of using the new GKS (GKS 2.0).

  • The first mandatory GKS 2.0 is planned for July 1, 2025 (for new operators).
  • By July 1, 2026, at the latest, the operations with the oldest installed GKS (that were registered before January 1, 2018) must be switched.
  • By July 1, 2027, the operators with GKS registered in 2018–2021,
  • and by January 1, 2028, the rest (GKS registered after 2021 but already registered).

FPS Finance will make additional information available at regular intervals from the end of June onwards, as well as publish detailed technical specifications and necessary protocols.


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