Public Bulgaria Author: Kristina Dosen
Welcome to our comprehensive overview of fiscalization in Bulgaria. We covered the legal requirements (fiscalization requirements, fiscal devices, business processes, etc.) and technical aspects (transactions, our service, and other technical-related topics) necessary for compliance. In this series of videos, we delve into various topics essential for businesses operating within the Bulgarian landscape. By watching our series of videos on fiscalization in Bulgaria, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of both the legal requirements and technical aspects essential for compliance. The point is especially about fiscal devices, their main functions, communication with the tax authority, special conditions for registration for certain models of POSes, etc. Our videos provide valuable insights to support your endeavors in the Bulgarian fiscalization environment.


Views: 247
Content accuracy validation date: 26.08.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 14:04h

Here are all the topics you can find in the videos we prepared for you:

Legal part:

  1. Country overview
  2. Fiscal devices
  3. Fiscal regulations
  4. Important features of the fiscalization system
  5. Data exchange
  6. Fiscal documents
  7. Receipt types
    • Receipt layout
    • E-receipt
    • QR code
    • Non-fiscal receipts
  8. Sales transaction
  9. Receipt copy
  10. Invoice, simplified invoice, and e-invoice
  11. Receipt cancellation
  12. Return and item exchange
  13. Cashier error
  14. Payment media and advance payment
  15. Gift card sale
  16. Diplomat sales and sales to foreign customers
  17. Cash management transactions
  18. Reports
  19. Online sales (e-shops)
  20. Vending machines
  21. Other
  22. Declaration of SUPTO POS SW-general
  23. Registration and deregistration of fiscal devices and installation
  24. In store-additional requirements
  25. Audits and Penalties

Technical part

1. Fiscal devices in Bulgaria

  1. POS requirements
  2. Fiscal receipt
  3. System operations
  4. TH230 MF BG fiscal interface
  5. S4F Service for Bulgaria
  6. S4F Service Sales receipt examples
  7. S4F Service fiscal reports command examples
  8. S4F Service error handling





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