Public France Author: Kristina Dosen
As per the e-invoicing mandate in France, businesses transitioning to electronic invoicing will be able to opt for one or several partner dematerialization platforms, or alternatively, the public invoicing portal. The French Ministry of Finance has published a roster of operators who have applied for the status of partner dematerialization platforms with the registration service. The purpose of this announcement is to inform and should not be interpreted as a guarantee of registration under Article 290 B of the general tax code.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 940
Content accuracy validation date: 10.05.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:09h

The registration will be conferred following a thorough review of the applications by the registration service.
As of the present, no registrations have been issued.

List of companies applying for Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP) status, having submitted their file to the registration service: 

  • @gp
  • Accenture
  • Agena3000
  • Arteva
  • Avalara
  • AXWAY Software
  • B2Brouter
  • Basware
  • Cecurity
  • Cegedim
  • Cegid
  • Chaintrust
  • Comarch SA
  • Comarch France
  • Darva
  • Digital Technologies
  • Docoon
  • Docprocess
  • Doxallia
  • ECMA
  • Edicom France
  • Edicom Group
  • EDT
  • Esalink
  • Esker
  • Euro Information
  • Facnote
  • Flowie
  • Generix Group
  • ICD International
  • Iopole
  • Ipt technology
  • Itesoft
  • The Connected village
  • Neovacom
  • Open bee France
  • OpenText
  • Paragon
  • Pennylane
  • Pitney Bowes sas
  • Qonto
  • Quadient
  • Wise
  • Seqino
  • Serensia
  • Seres
  • Sidetrade
  • Sovos
  • Spee sas
  • Tenor
  • Tesisquare
  • Tessi Technologies
  • Tradeshift
  • Treso2
  • Tungsten Automation
  • Tx2 concept
  • Ventya
  • Yooz PDP

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