Public Ghana Author: Kristina Dosen
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) is in the process of rolling out an electronic VAT invoicing system that will assist businesses and the authority in obtaining real-time monitoring of VAT transactions. More on deadlines and some specifics are as follows.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 278
Content accuracy validation date: 12.06.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:14h

No later than June 2024, six hundred (600) VAT-registered taxpayers will be onboarded into the system to issue electronic VAT invoices based on the GRA predictions. 

The authority emphasised that the e-VAT system is currently in the piloting stage but will soon be rolled out to all VAT-registered taxpayers. This integration aims to enhance revenue collection, combat tax evasion, and promote transparency in tax administration, as evidenced by the success of the pilot phase.

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